Who is Plague Doctor Gear?

Having been involved in various emergency response roles for over 25 years, I personally understand the importance of quality life saving gear, supplies and training.
Due to the personal loss of friends both in the line of duty and by their own hand, a percentage of all sales will go to vetted Non-Profits for First Responders and other organizations deemed worthy of our support. Customers will be given a selection of organizations they would personally like their donations to go to with every purchase.
Being a small startup company, our products might not be the least expensive priced out there, but rest assured our intentions are true and our Mission to save others will not fail.
H. McKee
-Plague Dr Gear LLC
-Defensive Medic Solutions Inc.

Mission Statement-

We provide support to the Tactical Medic, LE, First Responders, MIL communities in particular as well as civilians that want to make a difference.
We train and equip good people to do good things in bad situations. By providing both high quality gear and training support for those willing to step up and answer the call to serve, we help create force multipliers.